DJ Dragonlover

DJ Dragonlover has an amateur career in radio. Immediately after high school he volunteered as a late night DJ at a local low-wattage radio station. Dragonlover has extensive knowledge of pre-2000s rock music, and encourages requests and dedications.

DJ Skeeter

Bred in the warm, sultry breezes on an enchanted island far, far away, DJ Skeeter grew up in a single day. He soon began to buzz around the island pond along with many fine woodland creatures such as frogs and lone wolves. Spinning his notorious array of tunes, DJ Skeeter currently resides high atop paradise mountain. To this day DJ Skeeter drags unsuspecting passers-by into the depths of the pond insulting their ear holes with buzzing and at times a rare good tune here on WIRED-PM Radio.

DJ LtDreamer

What can be said about this wonderfully handsome creature? Crazy, nutty, cuckoo, bonkers, mad as a March hare? Try, All the above! Saying that ltdreamer has a screw loose, would be a gross understatement. This dude has lost the entire hardware store of screws. Join him with his madhouse, where he will help WEIRD live up to it’s name.

DJ Wolfrunner

Furry, four-legged tune spinner who howls at the moon every Sunday night, and graces the radio airwaves every Sunday morning.  Notably, ratings for his show went through the roof after he convinced Little Red Riding Hood to bring along her little brother every time. In addition, this seemed to bring a healthy glow to his cheeks, a shine to his coat, and a spring in his step. Currently locked in a stalemate with doctors over his wish to continue the little blue pill despite his obvious lack of CED (canine erectile dysfunction),

DJ Zoomzoom4

Half-bionic DJ who can’t start the day without a Mountain Dew. Formerly the “Zoominator” of alleged porn star fame, he once led South American freedom fighters to success in establishing five puppet governments all starting with the letter Z. Now semi-retired, he spends his days teaching advanced finger painting to male 5th graders who struggle with a serious clothing disorder, and his nights hosting the highly rated “Boys of Monte Carlo”, which is in its fourth year of syndication.

Once known as “The Flying Dutchman” (but that’s all his lawyers will let him tell us), this former wildman has settled down to a quiet life of teaching French Foreign Legion members how to write poetry in Braille. Fortunately for us, he is expanding his horizons beyond drunken drag racing in dry counties, and has revealed his long-hidden genius when persuaded to go behind the mic. Those who have experienced his radio shows have all attested to how deeply and profoundly it has changed their lives. Don’t get left behind — catch him if you can!


The legend of XO started long, long ago, when a child first wished upon a shooting star. Something more than a Supertoy but less than a Wonder of the World, he was raised in a hobby shop, which is where he first learned how to appreciate music, as the impromptu back-up to a travelling boys choir. This is also how he made his first forays into the world of living creatures, as he evolved in structure much like a Rolling Stones composition. Then one fateful day in Reno, lightning struck and he became a real boy, living and breathing, dancing and singing. Since then he has found his place in the world of pop culture superstars, outshining even the best and brightest with his outstanding insights into the ways of the Universe. Now he hosts THe SLide Zone on WIRED-PM Radio, and hopes to make history again in the near future.